Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What kind of damage would a pineapple do if you were hit with it... (more inside)

I would presume a lot because those dang fruits are hard but very delicious. Well if you come by this woman in Ann Arbor, Michigan you can ask her. The police there say a 42 year old man hit his 32 year old wife with a pineapple knocking her out in a domestic abuse incident. She was taken to the hospital where when trying to be questioned by the police she refused to answer any questions besides giving basic answers.

Can you imagine being knocked out like that, well you wouldn't know before hand unless you seen it coming. But how would you feel when you awaken and came to the realization that it was a pineapple that had you laid out across the floor. Oh! and thinking about the imprint from the fruit in your face to remind you, I probably would have rubbed my face and chuckled with disbelief and then quickly got angry.

via Detriot News

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