Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Really!!! El Debarge still using... (more inside)

I mean, I am saying, isn't he like 100? It really doesn't get any worse than a old man with a few bucks in his pocket still needing a bump and getting caught with it. TMZ reports that he may have been trying to deal the drugs. I mean come on, he wasn't even the kingpin but a dealer. Who could he have possibly been dealing to on a highway?

Can you imagine coming outside a restaurant in LA and El walks up to you and ask you if you want to cop, there you are like, "El Debarge, is that you?". El says, "No no no, its not me". This is crazy! Is this his third strike, aw shucks.

 He was charged with possession of Narcotices with intent to sell. This is his third offense since 2001. Debarge has been released on $30K bail.

via TMZ

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