Friday, March 23, 2012

VIDEO: Kim Kardashian gets flour dusted...

Some chick runs up behind Kim Kardashian and just commences to pouring a 5lb bag of flour all over her head and back. The look of amazement on Kim's face is priceless, but how rude. You know I would not put it past the Kardashian clan if this was a setup for the new season of Keepin' Up With The Kardashians. 

The thrower of the flower called Kim a "fur hag". How entertaining is that? Its funny to know she ran up to Kim with tennis shoes on, so isn't she a cow hag or what ever animal was used to make her shoes. So many bigots so little time to talk about it.

 That flour could have been used for biscuits for the homeless, what a waste.

video via TMZ


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