Thursday, March 1, 2012

Do you think $70K pay is enough for getting kicked and stomped out by the Baltimore police (more inside)

while holding your 2 yr old son in your arms while it is raining. Well that what Tyrode Gibbs, Sr. just received. Story was on Aug. 28th, 2009 when Gibbs and Gibbs, Jr. used a abandoned house front steps as shelter from a storm. OK so the house had a "No Trespassing" sign on it, that is still not an excuse for a beating. Anyway, the Baltimore officers apparently instructed Gibbs to vacate the steps in which Gibbs replied, "We're just seeking shelter from the rain."

Afterwards the lawsuit was filed, inside they describe that the officers beat Gibbs to the ground whilst he held his 2yr old son Gibbs, Jr. in his arms, kicking and stomping Gibbs and at one point its alleged that they struck the toddler. Then they commenced to spraying mace. All this for what - definitely an abuse of power. Now all that has been said is still currently being called "alleged" but based on the settlement there was some admittance of guilt here.

Original Story

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