Tuesday, December 6, 2011

GUILTY - Paul Schurick - responsible for the gubernatorial robocall

A Guilty verdict has been dealt to former Gov. Robert Ehrlich's aide Paul Schurick of 4 fraud-related charges. You would definitely remember this if you were one of the households that received that robocall like we did during the gubernatorial race. The call inferred that the current governor of Maryland Martin O'Malley had already won the race and no one else needed to go to the poll to vote.

Once sentenced on February 16th the main count of conspiring to fraudulently influence voters' decisions; Schurick could receive the maximum sentence of 5 years.

One in Five women has herpes. Get tested. Be sure.

The call went out to Prince Georges County and Baltimore City which has large black populations. He must think people are stupid, but if we know anything about elections we know that every vote counts especially after the win of our current president Barack Obama. Even with the deviousness of this guy O'Malley did WIN.


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