Sunday, October 2, 2011

Stacey Dash got out, her divorce has been granted.

Entertainment News

After being married for just 3 years actress Stacey Dash formerly starring on the hit show "Single Ladies" has finally got what she always wanted, another divorce. But this one was definitely justified, she was apparently abused through out her marriage by husband/actor Emmanuel Xuereb which led to her filing for divorce in January 2010.

So this maybe why her and "Single Ladies" didn't work out, so now that the divorce is final it is very understandable why she wanted to be close to her kids at this time; but on the other hand she is now single so wouldn't you think playing a single lady and getting paid for it.

Stacey and her now Ex have no kids, but she has 3 children from her previous marriage. She wants to just cut all ties which is why she isn't requesting any spousal support from Emmanuel.

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