Wednesday, October 26, 2011

AMC has a HIT in The Walking Dead...

Update: 10/26/2011 @ 3:34AM - The Walking Dead has been renewed for a third season as the 2nd season just premiered. Congrats to the cast for a job well done.

One of our newest favorite shows "The Walking Dead" on AMC has us very excited. This week the season premiere of Season 2 garnered 10 million viewers and I was in that number.

I got hooked on this show just on a whim. Over the weekend I was at the Redbox just seeking something to watch on a late night when I came across the first season. If you didn't know I have a love for horror movies. The gore, blood, and scare tactics, well you do now. From the first 15 minutes in, I knew I was going to be hooked on this show. I actually stayed up all night just to finish the entire season, so that's how hooked I am on the show.

Not even realizing that the show came back on for a second season because I had never heard of the show in the first place I started google-ing it. To my surprise the second season was just starting on October 16th.  Wasn't that perfect? I figured I would have to wait to find out what happen next, but I also thought I might not have gotten the chance and that the show may have gone the way of most shows these day "CANCELLED" but "NOT".

So glad that something has returned in lieu of my other favorite show that was cancelled "The Event" but I digress, this one is on point and very well put together. This is the very first scripted TV Show that I have actually liked and I do hope it is around for a long while.

Good Job AMC this one is a WINNER!

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