Wednesday, October 30, 2013

#Sebelius is clearly frustrated with this committee and their interruptions #OBAMACARE

Update 10/30/2013 at 12:13PM:  Rep. Peter Welch was the voice of reason... Insurance companies were ripping people off and discontinuing insurance for pre-existing conditions...

Update 10/30/2013 at 11:55AM:  It is pretty embarrassing that while she is testifying that the website is down.  If I was her I would have made sure that the federal website was up and running at least at 50% efficiency before I testified and not completely shutdown.

#Sebelius is clearly frustrated with this committee and their interruptions - I would be too - they continuously cut her off... This is not going to solve anything - 

This is a complete waste of time...

These hearings need to be held after the site is completely fixed and up and running - she has work to do and should be doing it now and not answering question that will not help with completing the task at hand.

Please realize that I hope you are all fired - you are too comfortable with complaining and not fixing issues.

pic via CNN

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