Thursday, September 29, 2016


All new at its new time at 8PM tonight the D'Nasha Harrison Show.  This thought provoking show has moved from the morning to the evening, so I hope you're ready.  It's LIVE and all new tonight.


All new at its new time at 8PM tonight the D'Nasha Harrison Show.  This thought provoking show has moved from the morning to the evening, so I hope you're ready.  It's LIVE and all new tonight.

#Video: Presidential Town Hall with #PresidentObama

Wednesday, 09/28/2016 Presidential Town Hall with President Barack Obama

Friday, September 23, 2016

#VIDEO: Now this is funny, #HillaryClinton with #ZachGalifianakis #BetweenTwoFerns

After playing a commercial for Donald Trump right in the middle of their interview the conversation starts like this:

Zach:  He approves the message.
Hillary:  Why would you play a commercial for my opponent in the middle of our interview?
Zach:  He paid me in steaks.
Hillary:  I'd be afraid to eat them if I were you.
Zach:  It's a good cut a meat, I think it's part of the asshole.
Hillary:  (She just blinks and looks down)
Zach:  Well this has been a lot of fun Mrs. Clinton we should stay in touch.  What's the best way to reach you?  Email?  

D'Nasha Harrison Show (09/22/2016) at 10AM

Friday, September 16, 2016

#VIDEO: #DonaldTrump finally admits #PresidentObama was born in the U.S.

Was it too little, too late?  Will his campaign rebound?  One more question, where was the apology? An admission is not an apology.  You might think its over, but nott so fast we still have this thing called "the 24 hour news cycle" to get through and I doubt it will stop there.

In my opinion, this statement was not enough for something you have been (for lack of a better word) trumpeting for years now.  Not 1 year, not 2 years but almost a decade he had been claiming this about our legitimately elected President of the United States of America.  

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

#VIDEO: President Obama touts his accomplishments, and he has a right too.

While speaking on the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton, President Obama told the audience about his accomplishments like healthcare, jobs, and oh yeah GAS prices.  He should, he totally has a right too.

Great job for all that you could do with no help from the divisive members in Congress.

Friday, September 9, 2016

#Video: #Baltimore's own #Amirror debuts "Runnin Away" video

Amirror, you betta run.  I am loving this video more and more with each view.  I find myself bobbing my head right now as I type just thinking about that melody and it's not even playing.  OMG and that rasp in her voice, I have no words. 

Baltimore's very own Amirror delivers in this very well produced visual display of... well "runnin".  Is that Mount Vernon as the background, I know I know that church?  GREAT WORK!

It's a J. Perk Production another native.

Runnin Away
Zimmerman Music Group

Thursday, September 8, 2016

#VIDEO - If you missed Saturday 09/03/2016 shows - The Artist Exchange and Charm City Direct

Host: Nate Couser
Co-Host: Ama Brown
Director: Robert Nixon
Producer: Nate & Monny

Guest: Anthony Show
Topic: Art, Entertainment, Life


#VIDEO - If you missed #FRIDAY 09/02/2016 shows - WEIRD Radio, The Artist Exchange, It Is What It Is

VIDEO: #AfterTheView - This was a good one. #Politics #DonaldTrump #Evolution #FacebookLIVE

I really mean it, this was a good "After The View" today.  It almost had me in tears as it got closer to the end.  I was really in my feeling about what Raven was say to Joy about evolution basically, it had me commenting up a storm on the video.  On that same topic earlier in the Facebook LIVE show Raven and Joy was discussing that issue of youth vs. the older generation and Candace walked off.  You got watch it.

Check it out you won't be disappointed.

You Better Live (03/14/2024)