Thursday, December 5, 2013

Former South African President #NelsonMandela has passed away at 95 years old. #Breaking

Former South African President #NelsonMandela has passed away at 95 years old. #Breaking

Apparently, in the last 2 or 3 weeks the medicine albeit strong were not working.  President Mandela health had been in decline for months as he had problem with his liver and kidney's and even been on life support. 

Rest In Peace

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No Charges for #JameisWinston - Was there other people involved?

FSU Quarterback Jameis Winston will not be charged - after being accused of rape in 2012 - the State Attorney announced a short while ago.

Well apparently there was another persons DNA found in the chick... Which suggests that she had sex with someone else or multiple people that same night.

more tonight @ 7PM

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